Split Couloir, Split Mountain
Split Couloir in prime condition // [o] @bjarnesalen
Elevation: 14064’ 4287m
Aspect: East
Vertical: 7450’ to car 2450’ route
Coordinates: 37°01’15”N 118°25’20”W
First descent: Plake, Johnson 1990
“The Split Couloir is one of several classic steep lines on Split Mountain, the others being the Saint Jean Couloir and the Southeast Couloir. The Split Couloir requires advanced mountaineering skills and a high level of tenacity.” (FCSDofNA)
“Skiing is a sport that is very easy to learn, but very difficult to master.”
Mountains can have a certain energy to them and mountain called Split, located in the High Sierra Mountain Range in eastern California, has an energy with a dark side. Split Mountain is a 14,000 foot peak with a perfect couloir dividing two prominent summits.
Visually, it’s a line that begs to be skied yet is guarded by a series of icefalls, rock steps and blue ice patches that make it extremely challenging. On top of that, the towering walls of the couloir present significant rockfall hazard along with an upper basin that can create dangerous avalanche conditions. It’s a line that requires patience, perfect timing…and many many attempts.