Giant Steps Couloir, Mount Williamson

Morning light on the sleeping giant // [o] @n8greenberg

Morning light on the sleeping giant // [o] @n8greenberg


Elevation: 14389’ 4386m

Aspect: Northeast

Vertical: 3000’ route, 8160’ to car

Coordinates: 36°39’22”N 118°18’40”W

First descent: Braun

“This striking couloir splits the North Face of one of the Sierra’s grandest mountains. Rarely skied yet aesthetic, this route requires supreme dedication and a strong set of legs.” (FCSDofNA)

There comes a time when one must risk something, or sit forever with one’s dreams.
— Trevor Petersen
The Eastern Sierra of California is a mythical mountain range of massive mountains that rise straight out of the desert floor. Scratching the sky, Giant Steps Couloir, is a rarely tamed and hard fought line that takes careful navigation and strong legs to ascend and descend.